Bellies to
| Week of November 17 |
Episode 2 |
Homebirth in the UK and Canada
Dr. Kerry Woodcock and her husband, Rupert Collins,
join the Bellies to
BirthCast to discuss their decision to homebirth in the UK
and Canada as well as the differences in the two systems.
Kerry was also the first woman in the UK to give birth using
Hypnobirthing and will be joining us at a later date to discuss her
experiences with this natural childbirth method. To learn
more about Dr. Woodcock and her work, visit
A full
transcript of the interview appears below:
We're here today with Dr. Kerry Woodcock and her husband Rupert
Collins, the home birth parents of three children, two born in London,
England and one in Calgary, Canada. Today we'll be discussing
the differences involved in choosing a home birth between the UK and
the Canadian systems. Kerry was also the first woman in the
UK to give birth using Hypnobirthing and will be joining us again at a
later date to discuss her experiences with the Hypnobirthing
program. So first of all, welcome Kerry and Rupert.
It's really a pleasure to have you both here with us today.
you very much.
Thank you.
Now first of all, as the UK and the Canadian maternity systems differ
greatly from the US model, could you give us a summary of the most
critical differences?
well I think with the UK the primary caregivers are midwives.
And those midwives, and this is through the National Health Service,
which is available to all people, the midwives are the primary
caregivers, whether you're at the hospital or at home. And
Obstetricians are only used when there's a complication.
Whereas now in Canada, it seems to be that it's different in each
province and I'm hoping that I get this correct, get this
right. So I can only really speak from Alberta, where I am,
and Calgary itself. But what we discovered when we came here
was that a pregnant woman is normally given an Obstetrician, and so
that's the primary carer. If you want to have midwifery care, then you
have to do that privately. There's been, I think there's been
some battles here in Alberta to get midwives under the Alberta Health
Care, or funded under the Alberta Health Care, but that hasn't happened
up to now. Midwives in Calgary itself do have access to the
hospital so they can be the primary caregivers in the hospitaCatherine:
But again, it has to be paid for privately. So there are the
main differences that I know about.
Now what were the ultimate reasons you chose to have all of your
children at home?
in the UK where I had my first two children, under the National Health
Service they offer antenatal classes. I think I must have
been about five months pregnant, and they had two mothers come in to
talk to us pregnant women about their experiences. One was
from a hospital and one was at home. I listened to it, and I
didn't think too much about it at first. It wasn't actually
until I was about seven months pregnant that one of the other women in
my antenatal class said to me, “Oh, I'm going to have a home
birth.” And I suddenly thought, “Oh, I want that
too.” So it was a really gut reaction initially.
Then I thought okay I'll have a look into this a bit more.
I just thought it would seem more relaxing to me, because I
suddenly started thinking “if I go into hospital, I might feel,” – I
Normally think about going to the hospital when I'm il. I
thought well I'm not ill, I'm pregnant. And it's meant to be
natural, unless there is a complication. Why wouldn't I have my baby at
home if I have the opportunity? Also I was living in London;
I wasn't living in a rural area. I would not choose to have a
home birth if I lived in a rural area. Both times, living in
London and Calgary, that helped with the decision. I had a
few questions that I needed answering before I ultimately chose
this. So I spoke to my midwives. In the UK, the
great thing is that your midwives are the same, exactly the same
midwives that you'd have whether you have the home birth or hospital
birth. My team of midwives said, “Yes, cool, yes. We can do
that. We'll come along to your home, that's no problem.”
They're very supportive about it. I said “well, the main question that
I have answered for my own benefit was that should I or my baby die in
child birth, would it be or could it be because I had a home
birth?” And the a couple of midwives that I spoke to said,
“No, not at all.” They actually felt that it was safer,
because in the UK and here actually, in Calgary, when the midwives come
you always have one midwife with you at all - the time you would
normally go into the hospital, whether you're five centimetres dilated
or whatever they say, you wouldn't go in. You would then call
the midwife, they'd come to your home, and they're with you
constantly. So this particular midwife said to me, “Oh you
know when you see on the TV and there's an emergency, and it happens
immediately, and everyone is running around?” Her take on it
was that that wasn't usually what happens. And the usual case
was that they could see things coming along, and think that there might
be something going to happen. So she said that if I was at
home and a complication was to occur because the midwife was there all
the time, they'd start noticing some changes, and they would get me to
the hospital within ten minutes. Everybody would be waiting there ready
for me. So once I heard that, that was it. I
thought yes, this is for me as long as everything is okay, that's what
I want.
Excellent. Now Rupert, what was your stance on Kerry giving
birth at home? Were you immediately supportive or were there
other questions that you wanted answered as well?
From my point of view, Kerry was the person that obviously was giving
birth, so I needed to be as supportive as possible for her
decision. I didn't see that there were any major risks,
because we sat down, we did speak to the midwives and ourselves about
what happens if this happens? It was always known that we
could go to hospital at any point, if there was any potential issues we
would go to hospital. Kerry really wanted it. I
didn't really have a strong view to go to the hospital. I could see
that there were a lot of advantages. Even little things like,
in London it's really difficult to park. And things like not
being able to park at the hospital, things like they won't allow you
out of hospital unless you have the proper car seat and
whatever. It just seems a little more natural to have a child
at home rather than yanking them out of a, well first of all being in a
sterile environment where you - we've heard some horror stories about
cleanliness of hospitals and stuff. But that wasn't the main
reason. It seemed more natural to have it at home, in your
surroundings, in the comfort of your own home.
You did hit on a good point, that there are some hidden risks hospital
births that a lot of families don't consider. Infections
being one of them, and just the logistics of getting there, getting
back, taking care of other children if you have them, all those sorts
of things that can be avoided if you are just staying home.
tell us a little bit more about your first two births.
with the first labour, it took quite a while. It was about 24
hours actually. It was great, I was at home and Rupert was
around most of the time. I did have a midwife come along and
she checked, and I was I think only two centimetres,* so she went
away. So it was nice just to be in my own surroundings just
like any other mother. And then later on the midwife came
along and stayed with us the whole time. There was a time in
that first birth where the midwife had said it was getting
on. I was also two weeks overdue as well, so I was right on
the, in the UK anyway, once it goes over two weeks overdue then they
need you in the hospital. So I was right on the edge of
that. So she had said if I didn't give birth in the next four
hours than I really would have to go into the hospital. But as it
happens, as she said that, an hour later out pops Lana, onto the dining
room floor so as if by magic. And a wonderful thing about
that first birth which I think I hadn't thought about before hand, but
which is a big bonus of the home birth, it was for us. The
midwife tucked us into bed and tidied us. A lot of people say
“what about all the mess?” Well the mess goes in about five
minutes. They tidy up really quick, when you have to. That's
normal. And then she made sure that both, because it was two
o'clock, two-thirtyish in the morning, she made sure both Rupert and I
and Lana, the baby, were all tucked up into bed, and then she
left. So within an hour of having Lana, we were all tucked up
into bed quite happily. We all were fast asleep, and we woke
up about nine o'clock in the morning with the telephone ringing
actually it was quite funny. Rupert jumped out of bed to
answer the phone and the people were a bit like, “You seem like you're
a bit tired.” And then he's like; “I just realized we had a
baby last night. The baby is lying in the middle between
us.” But it was just really lovely and I think it gave me a
lot of confidence in the birth to be at home. To be able to
walk around in my own living room, and I was naked most of the time,
taking my clothes off here and there for all the births. I didn't care
where. I'm sure I would have been a lot more self-conscious if I was in
the hospital. Then with Lana, we were just both sitting there
going, “We're parents! We really have this baby!”
And we could actually just do, I can remember trying to bath her and
not being worried about other people watching us and, are we doing this
wrong? Or you shouldn't do that. I felt completely,
we could trust ourselves. Like yes we've got a baby and it's
another human being, but we're parents and we can learn this and manage
this. I felt it gave us a whole heap of trust in myself.
was very easy.
weren't yanked out. You didn't have to worry about rushing to
a hospital or coming back from a hospital and car seats. And
the next day, as Kerry, said we both woke up, Lana was there; it was
like, “Oh yes, that's what happened last night, that thing
there!” And then friends came round and it was just
easy. It was very relaxing. I not sure if it was the reason,
but I'm sure it helped Lana, because she was just a very easy baby,
from what I remember. She didn't really cry a great deal, and
she's very curious. It was just a very relaxed surrounding.
And then Tegan, our second child, she came along nearly two years
later. That was an eight hour birth, so it was a lot quicker.
Again there was a time in the birth where - I didn't know at the time,
but the midwives told us afterwards that there was a time where they
were, - because in the UK they're calling into the hospital all the
time giving the statistics or whatever. The midwives in the hospital
had said perhaps you better think about bringing her in.
Because I always have the contractions in my back. I think, but I'm not
sure, but I think that might sometimes slow the birth down. I don't
know if I was dilated at the correct speeds according to the graph, or
whatever. So there was some discussion about them taking me
into hospital. The midwives made a decision that based on what they
could see and what they analysed looking at me and at my past birth,
that no, I was fine. I'm very grateful that they trusted themselves and
trusted me, because it was the right thing to do. The birth was
perfectly fine and lovely and Tegan was born. That evening,
not that evening, that morning. That was eight o'clock in the
morning. The thing a lot of people ask about was, what about
your other children? They are in the house asleep.
So Lana was asleep on that instance. Normally she would wake up at
seven o'clock in the morning like clock work. But it's
amazing. Tegan was born at eight o'clock in the morning and
at quarter past eight Lana woke up. So an hour and a quarter
later than normal, and she came in. The placenta had only
just come out, and she came running into the living room and, “oh a
baby!” And I was like “oh don't step on the
placenta.” It was just nice. She said, “Oh there's
baby!” It was the same thing with Toran, we had Toran here in
Calgary, and the midwives were excellent. Again he was born,
forgetting what time isn't that terrible? Five
o'clock. Five o'clock in the morning and the other two were
fast asleep in bed, didn't wake up. They woke up around for
eight o'clock again in the morning and came in. Or rather one
of them was rather disappointed but it was Tegan actually.
She was disappointed that she hadn't seen the baby pop out as she
said. And Lana was disappointed that she hadn't seen the
placenta, because she's very curious and likes to poke around in
things. So we were quite pleased that we got rid of the
placenta before she arrived. But yes, it's like Rupert said,
it's very easy. Midwives are great supports. I
think Rupert knew what he had to do support wise for me.
Midwives make you feel at home. Yes, you are at home, you
have got still quite a bit of control over the situation. This is
Excellent. What do you think the main advantages being within
the UK for the first two births were? What would you say were
the best reasons to give birth in the UK?
Okay, so for me, it was mostly psychological. Now this is me looking
backwards now in terms of comparing the Canadian and the UK
system. For me, psychologically, it was great that the
midwives that I had were exactly the same. If I'd been in the
hospital I would have seen the same midwife. If I was at home
I'd have those very same midwives. But that's the UK's
system. So that made me feel like I'm not in a different
system, and it's still inside the same system. Yes, there's
not as many people have home births in this moment in time in the UK,
although I think those figures are increasing.
They are rising.
the midwives are just completely at ease with it. It's all
within the system. Nobody's had any problem with
it. Being in Canada, I had to think. There's a
slight psychological difference for me because I felt I was going
outside, because I was going privatelkimmy. I was going
outside the system with these private midwives. And yes, they
could come to the hospital with me, but I would be assuming that if I
was going to the hospital it was because of complications. Then I would
be transferred into another system. That's how it felt to
me. So that was a psychological disadvantage with the
Canadian system. But I also loved the idea that I had a
midwife paying me lots of attention. Like one midwife
throughout the whole thing, two midwives once you're in the second
stage of labour. Where as in the hospital, how I imagined it
to be in the UK anyway, with the midwife system is that they're running
between different people, so there's not somebody with you the whole
time noticing what you're doing. Perhaps they rely a bit more on
technology. I would rather, - technology is great but I would like them
to be able to have time to be able to listen to me. I had
only thought about that after I had chosen the home birth, and started
looking into it. The midwives actually said something along
those lines as well, so that was a benefit. I don't know. We
felt like having the home birth in Canada, there were some, - with it
having to go privately, having to pay, I was thinking “oh I don't want
to have to pay. Maybe I'll just go through the hospital
system.” But in fact Rupert was the person; he can talk to
you about this.
initially what happened, there was my work health coverage covered a
midwife. So when we started going down the home birth routine
in Canada, it was covered under the insurance. And then half
way through my work status changed, and then I went onto a different
health care plan, and then the coverage discontinued. So
basically we had to suddenly pay a stack of money. Then there were
questions as to, Kerry was thinking “do you think we should go into the
hospital and not have a home birth?” And my immediate
reaction was “what's the point? we know it works for us.” so why not do
it. And the need to pay an additional, I don't know couple of
thousand dollars. It didn't make sense not to do it because
it was a recipe that worked. I'm a great believer of things
aren't broken don't fix them. So I was quite happy to
continue with the home birth, even though we incurred some additional
obviously, we were able to incur those costs. But I do feel that it's
unfair other people not in the same situation as us are not able to
choose a home birth in Alberta. I think that's a great shame.
That's the differences in the system.
It sounds like there are a lot of factors that can limit
options. It sounds like in the UK, because home birth is so
accepted, and like you said - you hit on a very important point. It's
part of the regular system. It's not seen as something
alternative or something to be done privately. It's just home
or hospital. We'll care for you where ever you're at. Whereas
in Canada it's a little more, well yes, you can do that but you're on
your own.
in fact, when I first became pregnant here in Canada I went to my
doctor and it wasn't actually my- I ended up seeing a locum
doctor. My doctor was off on leave. And of course I
said, “Okay, so I want the home birth. What to I need to
do?” Of course I hadn't looked into anything; which
is rather naïve now that I look back. The doctor was completely
shocked. And I was quite amused at first because she was
like, “Home birth? What are you talking about?” And
then she said, “Oh well you know, as a doctor I don't normally give my
personal opinion, but I feel that I really have to at this point. I
can't believe any one in this day and age would consider having a home
birth. It's absolutely ridiculous.” And I said,
“Well, okay, you can have that opinion, but I have my own
opinion. Would you please tell me or find out where I need to
go?” She said yes, but I knew that I wasn't going to get
anywhere there. I just went and Googled, and found that there were two
private midwifery organizations here in Calgary. I went directly to
them, and I was happy when I spoke to them, and felt very happy with
the Briar Hills Midwives here in Calgary. I went with them.
So there was a bit of an obstacle. I thought, if I was a
first time mother, then that might have just, - if I wasn't very
passionate about my home birth peace, I might have just stopped there.
I think it seems unfortunate. Everyone is entitled to their
own opinion, but when a mother comes in to speak to the doctor, I would
hope that they would be able to at least send them in the right
direction. So that was a possible obstacle for other people.
What's really disturbing about that is yes, everyone has their opinion,
but you would expect a physician's opinion to be based on
fact. And the fact is that home birth is a safe option for
low risk women. You made a great point, that if you hadn't
already had two home births, if you hadn't been educated on your
options, you might have just said, "oh well my doctor said it's just
not safe".
And it's really unfortunate that that's the kind of
situation. Now, did you share with that particular physician
that you've had two home births already?
don't remember, but I'm sure I did; and probably said that it was in
the UK. She was just flabbergasted. We have a lot of friends
who are doctors, mostly in the UK, and I've met some Dutch doctors. I
know in the Netherlands, home births are a more regular thing. But even
they quite often say they wouldn't give birth at home. But I
think that's because of what they've seen, and they're often normally
in a hospital situation where they experience complications in
birth. But again I'd hope that they'd still be able to be
like in a professional situation and say, “Okay, here's the
information. You go and look for yourself.” Because
I think choice is important and I don't think home birth is for
everybody. I think you have to be completely relaxed and
believe in it yourself. No point in going into it and not
being relaxed, because then you're possibly not going to have the best
outcome. Home birth isn't for everybody. I believe in the mother and
the family choosing the right option for them.
It's not the right choice for everyone, but it is a choice.
that's right.
it's one that people don't consider for the variety of reasons.
Especially misinformation is one of them, being told, “Ah, it's not
safe.” Or “Oh, I would never do that.” And another great
point was that physicians do see the worst of the worse that go to a
hospital; when there are complications, when things are going wrong,
that's where you want to be. But they also have to keep that balance of
knowing that for a majority of births, normally everything goes
Now, were there any other obstacles as you were preparing for your
didn't have any obstacles. That is, mainly it was about the
thing with the doctor and the financial thing that wasn't really an
obstacle in the end. And we didn't have any friends or family
really push back on us, did we Rupert? I don't think people
said very much.
No. Yes, I think everybody; there were questions like what
happens if this, you know something could go wrong and what are you
going to do in this instance? And who's going to look after
the kids if this happens type of thing. You have to prepare.
You have to make a plan, you have to talk to each other.
Kerry and I spoke to each other about what we were going to do, and was
it the right thing? Was it the best thing? Who
would look after this? Who would do that? You know
you have your birthing plan. I wouldn't say that they were
obstacles, that's just preparation. You've got to know what
you want and know how to deal with the situations. What could
go wrong or what could happen? So I think we were quite well
CATHERINE: Excellent.
Now did you know at the time when you were having home births, were
there any friends or family that you knew that had home births as well,
or were you the first?
were the first. When friends and family, - It's really nice that
actually two of our good friends afterwards, - these are friends in the
UK, they went on to, one's home birthed. One of them had two
home births and my other friend, her home birth; she ended up going
into the hospital. She was on the two weeks overdue situation. She
ended up going to the hospital for a - I don't know if it was an
induction or what it was, it ended up in the hospital. So it was nice
that they considered that as a choice. It was extra nice that one of my
good friends had two of her children at home after that. But
yes, we didn't know anybody else, did we Rupert, really?
one of those decisions that, apart from either of my friends or
acquaintances at the antenatal class who had then said, “Oh, I'm going
to have a home birth.” And that's the thing that fired it off in my
brain, oh yes, that's what I want too. It was that even
though I had been told about it maybe two or three months
before. It hadn't really made me; I think I was at about five
months so I wasn't really at the stage of thinking about the actual
birth. It hadn't become quite real at that time.
But around seven month stage for me I was like starting to think about
those types of things so that's why it clicks, but yes.
You talked a little bit already about the importance of plan. I think
that's a huge part of any birth, knowing what if something happens?
What will we do? What's important to ask and why?
Can you talk to us a little bit more about your emergency plan, if
something were to happen? Were there certain steps you took
to prepare?
of the practical things were that we would have friends and family on
stand-by in case we needed to go into hospital. Then they could take
the other children, look after the other children. And then
this, the last birth, Toran's birth, also in case one of the children
woke up and were disturbed by the goings on or whatever, so that we had
somebody there. Otherwise for me, again, it was a
psychological thing. I did always say to myself this might
not turn into a home birth. The most important thing to me
was that I, and the baby were healthy and happy, and if that meant
going into the hospital, that meant going into the hospital. there was
not over romanticising of the home birth. They were quite
romantic, if romantic's the right word, but they were wonderful. But
not taking it out of portion and speaking with it, the idea is to have
a healthy baby and that I'm healthy. And we put that in the
plan, obviously, and let the midwives know that we would listen to
their advice. If they felt that we needed to go, we'd go. But we wanted
them to discuss it with us. If they felt it was necessary and
that yes. Was there anything else Rupert?
Nothing much, that's right. I think that a lot of people - I
would imagine that people can be overwhelmed by the occasion. If you
have a plan, not just an emergency plan, it's the birthing plan as well
that you've discussed what's going to happen. Or if for
example, if it went into hospital then we would continue with our
birthing plan, even if it was in hospital rather than at home as in the
Hypnobirthing technique. So yes, just talk and preparation is
key, and accepting and acknowledging this and having thought through
the different scenarios. It is very important.
Rupert mentioned in there Hypnobirthing. I think that helped us a lot
in many ways. It helped in the birth, but,
serves as very good mental preparation for the birth, and what was
going to happen, what stages were going to happen. Especially
for me I was for the first, I don't know five months, six
months, I was working abroad, and I didn't really connect that
much. But then during the Hypnobirthing preparation, that was
my introduction into, wow, this is really happening. I was, I
wouldn't say forced to be on board, but I was welcomed on board rather
Did you use Hypnobirthing with all three of your children?
also used Hypnobirthing with my children, so I'm very familiar with the
it's great. I mean I think it's great in that it not only
prepares you for the birth, it prepares you before hand, looking at are
there any fears that you need to talk about, to resolve so you are
completely relaxed? I think that side of things, preparing
you for the birth, I would never have thought about that
really. And I know the antenatal classes, lessons although
they were great and all for the social side of things. I met
all the pregnant mother's to be. But they would all be
talking about technicalities all the time. It wasn't so much
about my feelings and Rupert's feelings and how I would like to feel in
the birth. So I felt that going through that program helped
Rupert and I an awful lot in the preparations so that we were relaxed
and ready in the birth. So without that, I'm sure I would
have had to cope but I would have to make it up on the spot.
But as it was, knowing the Hypnobirthing technique, I felt that me and
Rupert already had spoken a lot about how we wanted it to be and what I
wanted Rupert to be saying to me and things like that. So
yes, it was a great preparation. I would highly recommend it
to everybody.
think you have both hit on a couple of excellent points as we were
talking. One being that a lot of people, especially in the
US, think that choosing a home birth means that if something happens
you're staying at home, that it's all about being at home. That's
really not the case. It's “we'll stay at home unless we need
to do something else.” But that going to the hospital is an
option, if it's necessary. The ultimate goal is always a healthy mom
and a healthy baby. Again, in this country, we see a lot of
misinformation, thinking that home birth is just about a certain
experience. I just want it to be comfortable, I just want it
to be at home where we're really looking at - I want to be safe. But I
can do that at home as well. A hospital isn't the only option you have
for having a safe birth. I think one of the keys you talked
about too is, especially with your Hypnobirthing preparation, you were
forced to think about all of those options. Okay, what
happens if? What will we do if? What would I, how
do I think I want to be treated in labour? What feelings
might interfere? So you're really thinking more and more
about what will be happening and the different scenarios, so that you
are prepared in the event that something does
We were interviewed for a national paper in the UK. I think they, the
end piece of the newspaper report went to what Rupert had said which
was, - I don't know if you remember Rupert?
it the preparation?
it was about the marathon.
think my comment was if you were going to run a marathon you would
prepare for the marathon months and months in advance, and you would
know that you're going to experience different stages and emotions
through the marathon race. There was no way I would expect Kerry or
anybody to enter a marathon without any preparation.
Similarly I really wouldn't expect anyone to enter the birthing process
without understanding exactly what's going to happen. Without that
preparation, that's the thing that's going to make it a more memorable
Absolutely. You might run a marathon with no preparation, but it's not
going to be nearly as easy or as fun as it could have been had you had
taken months to prepare. Now in retrospect, what would you
say were the far most benefits of birthing at home with all three of
your children?
me, it came down to me feeling safe and trusting myself and my body.
And being in my home environment, and trusting that the midwives, they
were quite happy to be in that home environment too. So it
felt safer than me going into hospital. So if I had any fear, my fear
was to go into hospital and being induced, and then lots of problems
coming from that. So I didn't want to be in a state where I
was tired, or maybe being offered choices that I would think of as
being unnecessary, and me being in the situation where I couldn't think
clearly and taking those options. I have an epidural when I
know perfectly well that I can manage myself. I don't know if
that, - I'm not making that really clear. It sort of felt,
yes, it felt like safety. It felt safer for me.
you feel like there were less unknowns birthing at home than if you'd
have been in the hospital?
yes definitely.
don't know if there are less unknowns, I think there were more knowns
by being at home.
know exactly what you mean. The semantics make all the
difference. For you Rupert, what were the four most benefits
for being at home? Do you think it allowed you to have a
different level of involvement, or level of support or participation
with Kerry as part of the process than if you'd been in hospital?
I actually think that's right. I believe that if I was in a
hospital and I was playing an active role in the Hypnobirthing process,
then I would have been more uneasy doing it in environment that I
wasn't used to. So it was a comfort, it was a relaxed environment where
it was our house, we could put our music on, I could make my cup of
tea, I could walk around. Yes, being in your own environment
makes you a lot more relaxed. So I think that, to me, that
was the key thing. And having a home birth, I knew it meant
so much to Kerry, and I wanted to be as supportive as possible doing
that. I think from after the birth the scenario was very
easy. It wasn't easy; it made it feel a lot more easy by it
being in your own home. Yes, those three. Yes, I
think those were the most important things for me.
Did either of you at any point question your decision to have your
births at home?
I didn't, no.
not at all.
If you were to have more children in the future, would you make any
different decisions?
No we
wouldn't. And we're not having any more children.
But no, we wouldn't make any different decisions at all, would
we? No, I don't think I wouldn't.
No I
think the thought process would be the same. What do we
want? What's best for Kerry? What's best for the
baby? We'd follow those steps. So yes, we would
want a home birth. If it needed to go into hospital, we still
would do that.
think you hit on a very important point there as well, that it's really
not a one-size-fits-all approach. It's "what is best for our
family". What someone decides might not be your decision, but that's
okay. The point is that there are different options to
for sure. It's interesting. When I've been talking to people, other
fathers about birth and saying how we had it at home, often their
reaction is “oh we couldn't have done that.” “well that's
fine but I'm just saying what worked for us .” In a way, it's that
often, I don't necessarily think they pooh-pooh it, but they just sort
of justify to themselves why they couldn't do it. “Oh it
wouldn't have worked for us,” type of thing, which I say “I'm just
telling you what works for us.” So I agree with what you're
saying completely.
Is there one piece of take-away advice that you'd like to share with
other families considering home births?
say that you have a choice, and just what you said before.
Make that choice based on you and your family
situation, not on anybody
else's. Ask and plan for the choice, if that's what you want to go for,
go for it.
I think you shouldn't be pressurized one way or another by medical
people when it should be your choice. I think you need to
take everyone's, listen to people's advice and look at facts. If it
works, whatever works for you.
Thank you so much both for being with us today. And I look
forward again at a later date to hearing a little more about
Hypnobirthing and what went into that preparation, and how it did make
your birth go more smoothly than you would have thought it could
have. So I really appreciate you being here today.
Thank you so much.