and the Bellies to BirthCast receives over 198,000 monthly visitors with more than 800,000 pageviews and hundreds of weekly show downloads. Our archived shows are also heard by hundreds of listeners. We are always on the lookout for guests who have something to share.
Our audience consists of expectant mothers and fathers, midwives, doulas, physicians and other birth professionals who are interested in all things pregnancy and childbirth related.
If you are interested in being a guest on the show, please contact us with:
We will review your information and let you know if we feel that you're a good match for our listening audience and work out a schedule to do your interview.
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Page Last Modified by Catherine Beier, MS, CBE
How to Use Acupressure to Induce Labor
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Nutrition During Pregnancy - Nix the Notion of Eating for Two
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Vanessa's natural birth story shows that when birth is left alone to proceed as it should, it waits for no one - not even doctors or midwives.
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