I decided early in my pregnancy that natural was the way for me. My mom had all three of us natural, at home, on the counter of all places! And she was my biggest supporter.
After researching I realized that it is crazy to think that you cannot do it. Why would you want to give your newborn baby drugs? I can't imagine. So I started during pregnancy, teaching my body to relax, breathing, listening to relaxing music and training my muscles.
I woke up with my first contraction around 3 AM, very mild twinge. I went back to bed and woke up around 7 AM. I called my mom to let her know it started. My contractions were between 10-15 mins apart til around noon. My entire family went to lunch for my sister's birthday. There I was at the table having contractions.
We got home and the contractions got down to 3-5 mins apart. I went to the bathroom and my mucus plug came out in one big gush. After that the contractions dropped to 1-2 mins apart. About that time we decided to head to the hospital. I got checked in at the hospital at 4 pm and was 4 cm dilated.
I walked around, sat on the birthing ball, rocked on my hands and knees in the bed, about 10 til 6 I knew I had to push, I rolled over and they checked me, I was full dilated. I pushed for a little over an hour, my beautiful daughter was born at 7:34 PM.
It was the most amazing experience. I am currently pregnant with #2 and will definitely go the same way! I think every woman should at least try natural. I now promote it to everyone I know who's pregnant!
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