This Childbirth Video Clip collection feature slideshows of childbirth. They are set to music and commemorate the entire birth experience.
first selection is truly beautiful and could
melt the hardest of hearts. It depicts a midwife
and doula attended homebirth in the water. The entire family
is able to bond together in the comfort of their home with their newest
member. No stipulations on visiting hours here!
The next selection is a doula-assisted hospital delivery. It is a lovely video that truly captures the feeling of the day.
This video shows a midwife-attended home birth. It conveys the powerful impact that a midwife has upon the family. She is not only your caregiver but also a trusted friend who shares this experience with you every step of the way. How many women can say this about their obstetrician?
The final selection is a diary of the couple's journey into parenthood that opens with a series of slides that depicts the couple from marriage to the birth of their first child.
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Page Last Modified by Catherine Beier, MS, CBE
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Vanessa's natural birth story shows that when birth is left alone to proceed as it should, it waits for no one - not even doctors or midwives.
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