Online Childbirth Classes
Student Testimonials
See what past
students in our online
childbirth classes are saying:
"I can't believe 4 1/2 months have gone by since we had our little girl at home. It seems like just yesterday and yet she is already rolling over, smiling, and giggling away. I had to write and tell you how instrumental your 7 week course was in making sure our home birth was a success. I began your course an unsure, slightly scared, and hospital bound woman. Seven weeks later, with the ongoing support of an incredible midwife, I knew I was going to feel comfortable trying to have our baby at home. It couldnt' have been more perfect. I never once had any feelings of anxiety or hesitation. I kept reminding myself that I was prepared and that this was a safe option for myself and my baby. Mari was born in late December 2010 and has brought so much joy into our lives. Thank you for creating this site and for all of the wonderful information that you have provided. I have passed on your web address to my midwives and have no doubt that they will be passing it on to the women in their care.
Thank you again,
~Leanne Mueller, Canada
"Sorry it took me
so long to email - My 4 year old has been sick with a fever
& vomiting so between him & the baby it has been a
little crazy. I can honestly say the birth was a lot easier
than this week! So here is how Thursday went:
I had a doctor
appointment at 10:00, & I was still 3cm & 80%, but at
zero station instead of -2.
I went to my
mother's afterward to pick up my son & had lunch. I
had maybe 3 contractions on the way home but thought they might be more
fake ones. I was home by 12:30.
I called my
husband at work at 1:00 just to tell him that I might be having
contractions & that he might have to leave work early, but that
there was nothing really "serious" going on.
At 1:50 I got in
the tub because I remembered reading that being in water for early
labor could slow things down & things were starting to pick up
quickly. I called my husband again to tell him to please
leave work. He got home in about 20 minutes, &
started to pack things up. Carter got picked up at the house
by my sister-in-law at 3:00. That was when I started to feel
uncomfortable, but I could still handle it. We didn't have
time to sit & time the contractions, but I knew things were
progressing because I couldn't stand during them.
At 3:25 I said "We
have to leave right NOW." I was starting to feel like I was
going to throw up. I didn't throw up but had the worst car
ride ever. I just laid in the back seat saying I couldn't do
it & I was going to split in half & other
stuff. I would I had about a minute in between contractions.
We were logged
into the hospital triage at 3:45. They were asking me to sign
papers & had questions & I was like "I CAN'T talk right
now". When they checked me they were surprised to see I was
9cm & 100%. They ran the bed down the hall &
logged us into labor & delivery at 3:50. A few
minutes later I told them I had to push & my doctor
finally got there. I didn;t have one of those "breathe the
baby down" pushing experiences. I was like "GET OUT
NOW!" At 4:02 my water was broken (it never broke on its
own). I really didn't care either way at that
point- I knew it wouldn't make any difference.
baby was born at 4:09. The cord was left unclamped for maybe
5 minutes or more. I couldn't tell. She was laying
on my chest still attached but I was too exhausted to even open my
eyes. I couldn't believe I had a baby that quickly.
She was 7lbs 10ozs & 20 inches. I hadn't even had
time to get an IV or anything. The nurses couldn't believe
it. I did have a shot of pitocin in the arm about 10 minutes
after she was born to help with bleeding, which was fine with me.
I really think
your book & information helped me alot. I felt
confident about what was going to happen & not
scared. It did hurt alot there at the end, but the fact that
I was able to do the whole thing without any drugs or epidural made me
confident that I had done everything I could to give her the best
start. I would recommend your program to anyone that wants to
have a baby naturally. I don't know if I would have had the
confidence to do it otherwise."

"I just wanted to say thank you for the information on this website! I was unable to attend any kind of birthing classes while I was pregnant with my first child, but I really wanted to experience a natural birth. Thanks to the information posted on this site, I delivered my son completely medicine and intervention-free six months ago. I labored comfortably at home for 39 hours before going to the hospital where I delivered him only 3 hours after arriving. The information I gleaned from this site gave me confidence that I could meet my goal of a natural child-birth and it gave me faith that my body would move me through the birthing process the way God created it to. Giving birth naturally was an exilerating experience! I actually wanted to do it again almost immediately! I felt empowered and amazed at what I had accomplished. I found that for me, the labor and delivery pain was very tolerable and I was even joking with the doctor and my family while I deliver
ed my son! I will highly recommend this website to my pregnant friends and family! Everyone woman deserves to know the amazing feeling of natural childbirth!
Thank you again,
"I am so excited
that I came across your website! I am 5 months pregnant with
our first child and I am doing all in my power to have a natural,
unmedicated birth.
I found the
"Newborn Procedures" lesson to be particularly informative and useful.
I am so glad you put that information out there.
It's scary what they do to babies these days! Also,
I wanted to say that your website looks very professional and I cannot
find another that even compares."
Thank You,
"Thank you for your wonderful
program. It's a shame that so
many women view birth as an oppressive feature of their womanhood
instead of a beautiful gift."
"I admire what you've done with
this JEWEL of a website and online educational ministry."
"Thank you very much for the
course. I've already begun looking at the material and am
very happy with it."
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Page Last Modified
by Catherine Beier, MS, CBE